Friday, April 23, 2010

A Woman of Substance

I would like to dedicate today's blog to the life and work of Alicia
Parlette, a young woman of courage and conviction. She passed away yesterday at the age of 28 from Alveolar Soft Sarcoma.

I became acquainted with her story in 2005 while reading the San Francisco Chronicle where she wrote about her diagnosis and treatment . She was a copy editor at the Chronicle and on March 2, 2004 she received the news that would forever alter her future. Her story is written in a most honest and touching way. A young woman taken totally by surprise, a young woman who's favorite book was "To Kill a Mockingbird", and favorite companion was her dog Clarabelle. I would urge anyone interested to go to and read her story.

I wanted to dedicate this blog to her because I remember being so touched by her story five years ago but of course as we all do, thought this can never happen to me. Well surprise, surprise it did happen to me and even though it was a different kind of cancer it still happens to some of us who least expect it.

After I was diagnosed I went back and read her story again. I had always wondered how she was doing and prayed for the best. In re-reading her story I became stronger, more resilient. Who would ever have thought five years later she would again be an inspiration to me.

For me, reading of her struggle gave me the strength to go on with my own. I am so grateful to her for opening up her private life and letting us all know how it feels to be stricken with a devastating diagnosis.

I will close with one of my favorite quotes, unfortunately I do not know who wrote it.

This day is remembered and quietly kept. No words are needed, we will
never forget. For those we love don't go away, they walk among us everyday.
Unseen, unheard but always near. So loved, so missed so very dear.

-Author Unknown


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