Sunday, April 18, 2010


Cancer has made me fearless! No longer do I shy away from questions about my illness. I now lend my name to the causes that were my lifesavers. I speak out and want to be part of all the things that help cancer patients, their families and us survivors.

Cancer has done me a huge favor. I am now re-centered and have found my true purpose. I have had the privilege of meeting some of the most amazing women. Women committed to making the lives of others better and taking in every breath and sight with a new resolve to receive every essence life has to offer.

Life has become a vividly painted canvas and I now see things so much more deeply than before when life was so much easier. I live in the moment and a simple conversation with a stranger has become an interesting quest for knowledge. The stories of their journey's and their triumphs fill my heart and I am no longer in such a rush to go nowhere.

There is a great freedom in feeling fearless. I now make the statement and ask the question without feeling self-conscious. I no longer fear being thought of as being too familiar or asking too many questions.

I am here to be present and to assist in anyway I can those who need my help. I don't wait to be asked, I offer. I am truly fearless.


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